Are There Alligators In Your Foundry?


Roy Lobenhofer


Some years ago there was a cartoon that showed a man in water up to his waist, and there were alligators swimming around him. The caption read, “Sometimes its hard to remember that the plan is to drain the swamp when you’re up to your knees in alligators.” (It didn’t really say knees, but I like to keep things “G” rated.)


Needless to say, the cartoon was very popular in foundries because of the “how true it is” feeling for most foundrymen. It’s very hard to remember that we’re in a program of employee empowerment when we’ve got a ladle of metal freezing. And it’s easy to forget the policy of not making production runs until we’ve received sample approval when our biggest customer’s buyer is pressuring us even though his engineers haven’t given the approval yet. Of course, a lot of good things aren’t remembered when the ink on the bottom line turns very red.


I’ve lived for years believing the truth of this cartoon, and I still do to a certain extent. When crises arrive, you sometimes have to do things that normally you wouldn’t want to do. But, I recently got a new perspective on it. I called a foundry owner friend to see how things were going. When I asked, he responded that he was up to his knees in alligators because of a person­nel problem. That didn’t surprise me because he was always fighting alligators. If he didn’t have personnel problems, he had quality alligators. If it wasn’t either of those, it was production problems or something else.


It was during this latest phone call that I realized my friend’s plan for draining the swamp was terrible, if he had a plan at all. In fact, I’d been trying to get him to do some long term planning for some time. He’d always respond that he had a plan, but just not down on paper. In reality, I don’t think he had a plan. He had some dreams, and then reacted to the latest set of circumstances.


What’s the difference between plans and dreams? Dreams are great, but far different from plans. To me a plan is what you have when you figure out how you are going to make your dreams come true. When I was a kid, I’d dream of dating Sophia Loren or Debbie Reynolds (Guess that shows how old I am!), but I certainly didn’t have a plan for dating them.


In order to take any action towards a goal, there must be a plan - whether the plan is just in someone’s head or an elaborately mapped out sequence on paper. Since I didn’t take any action towards trying to date the stars, I only had dreams. Was my friend taking action towards his dreams and, therefore, had a plan? Or, was he merely reacting to situations as they presented themselves? Only he can answer that question.


What I can say is that if he had a plan, it wasn’t a good one. If my plan is to drain a swamp, one of the first steps in the plan is to try to figure out where the alligators are likely to be and get rid of them. There may be some rogues left over, but I certainly shouldn’t be up to my knees all of the time. If I find myself spending all of my time fighting the alligators, then I should know that my plan isn’t very good.


In a way, being up to your knees can be a blessing. It’s much easier to recognize that a plan is bad when in that situation than in the other common circumstance with poor plans. The other indicator of a poor plan is that it isn’t drawing you any closer to the goal.


This is far more subtle than being up to your knees. You just keep working away. There are no big problems. You can go for months, or even years, and not realize that you aren’t any closer to the dream. If my planning to drain the swamp was to start at the ocean with a bucket, I bet I could work for a long time without being bothered by any alligators. On the other hand, I bet I wouldn’t get much of the swamp drained either.


Okay, that’s the problem, but what’s the remedy? If you think a remedy will lead to the realization of all your dreams, you’re asking the wrong guy. I do have some questions that you might ask yourself that I’ve found helpful.


1)                 Perhaps the most important question you can ask is: What are we trying to do? What is our dream? Are we trying to drain a swamp? Are we trying to improve quality? Are we trying to increase profitability? Without knowing where you want to go, it’s real hard to have a plan that works.


2)                 After that the next most important question is: Do I have a plan? Can you tell yourself why what you are doing is going to get you to your goal? Do you know when it will be time to go to the next phase?


3)                 If think you have a plan and you always seem to be up to your knees, ask yourself: Are these just a bunch of rogues, or do I need a better plan. Is what led to the problems something that we couldn’t have foreseen? Are the problems coming from our not following our plan?


2)                 Even if you aren’t up to your knees, take the time periodically to ask yourself whether the plan is working. Is the water in the swamp getting any lower? Are you getting closer to your goal or are you just working away without really getting anywhere?


Yes, answering these questions will take time, and if you’re up to your knees, you most likely can’t afford it. But if you don’t take the time, may I suggest that you start looking for books on how to make pets out of alligators.


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